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The Children of the Dawn is a society founded at the conclusion of the Third War of Shadow.


The Children of the Dawn formed in the immediate aftermath of the Third War of Shadow.


The Children are divided into six separate orders, each devoted to a specific task and area of study.


Main article: Order (Children of the Dawn)

The Children divide themselves into six Orders. Each Order has a different purpose. The Orders are named after the roles they undertake.

Hall of Stewards[]

The Hall of Stewards is made up of five Children from each Order. The Hall also selects an additional Child to be the Vicar of the Dawn. The Hall and the Vicar jointly lead the Children.

Sunlit See[]

The Sunlit See is the ruling body over all of the Children. It is made up of the Hall of Stewards and the Vicar of the Dawn.

Joining the Children[]


Initiates are brought to the Citadel of the Dawn by the Seekers. There is no maximum age for Initiation, but the Seekers prefer to enroll younger people. Initiates begin their instruction in all forms of training at the most basic level. Once their assigned Tutor deems them ready, they undergo the First Test. After passing this test, the Initiate are then called Neophytes.


At this level, the potential Child will undergo training more advanced training in all areas, narrowing his or her focus as time progresses. Once deemed ready by their Tutor, the Neophyte will undergo the Second Test. Upon passing, the Neophyte will then be known as an Acolyte.


At this level, the potential Child has freedom to pursue training of more interest to him or her. Once deemed ready by their Tutor, the Acolyte will undergo the Third Test. Upon passing, the candidate will then be a full Child and can join the Order of his or her choice.
